Tuesday, December 6, 2016

December 6 In the Air

December Reflections about In the Air

   This is what I thought about as I pondered what kind of photo to take of In the Air.

What is Air?
  We smell it, we see it, we hear it, we touch it and we taste it.

Or do we?

When I walked to the car, I felt the rain on my body in the air,  I breathed in the scent of the air and tasted the freshness, the door handle was wet but my hand dried in the air. I heard the drops falling from the air hitting the car.   The leaves fell through the air to land on the window.

In the air, the rain fell to the earth.

In the Air, there is LIFE.

December Reflections for tomorrow - 5 things about me!


  1. Lovely photo, Mary. interesting thoughts. I shall visit you here and I know you will understand if I don't leave comments these days when everything takes so long with this left hand of mine.

  2. You are a breath of fresh air. Lovely thoughts.

    1. Thank you Library Lady! I only know one library lady!
