Friday, October 17, 2014

Trees under Water

Sometimes my mind thinks
 unusual thoughts...

Like wondering about other worlds 
that may be parallel to under the water worlds.

I wonder if the life under water can
see our world as reflections as we do...

Do they see the color of leaves 

and the sky

and the mountains..

or the sun and the moon?

Or is there no color..only shapes, dark and light?

Sometime I just wonder..

Is that world as wonderfully magical as ours?

I hope so!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Bits of Beauty

Red Leaves

I visited a place today that I thought to see inside but it was closed.  
Fortunately for me, something else found me!

I was completely alone so I was glad 
to have the camera to 
photograph this surprise.

Bits of Beauty waiting for me to see them!
Are Bits of Beauty finding you!?

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Autumn Color

We have been in northwest Colorado for a month now 
and have witnessed the changing of the seasons.
Yellow seems to be the predominant color here in the West.

Along the water's edge....

Then the Aspens that are magnificent!

Like Nature's decorations..

Or gold coins along the path.

Other leaves display their autumn glory...

A miracle that happens every year..I am grateful for seeing!