Friday, April 29, 2016

Light, Shade and Color

What we can see with our eyes is so beautiful!

I know some people never see how beautiful!  
If only they knew what they were missing.
How it fills up your heart and soul.

Since taking up photography some years ago,  I see more than I ever did!  
Walking or driving by familiar places and noticing something that I 
never happened to see before is like receiving a gift from a long time friend.
Looking and seeing objects in a new way.

I have found that I am aware of three things when
I am looking around with my photographic eye. 
 I want to share them with you.

Light -  Seek the Light

Light is the first thing we see when we open our eyes.

Look further!

Look how it shines upon, over, around and through objects. 
 Light is Life..every living thing..and even a rock, loves Light.  

Shade - Embrace the Shade

Shade is caused by something getting in the way of the Light.
Creating a shadow or reflection which has its own beauty.

 Shade makes objects mysterious.

Reflections and shadows create a new canvas for our eyes to view.

Color -  Live Color

Nothing captures my attention more than Color!
Color is a feast for my eyes.

Every color created in making art was first seen in Nature.

After the Light, our eyes see color.  

Color is alive.

Take a moment every day to Seek Light, Embrace Shade and Live Color!
You will be glad you did.


  1. My favourite image is the last one, Mary. I like the texture of the wood below the fallen bloom lit up from behind. The reflections are lovely in the first image too. I agree with your feelings on Light, Shade and Colour!

  2. Those colors really grabbed my attention -- beautiful! Yes, photography has taught me so much about seeing too. It's such a gift. Your lovely images illustrate your themes so well.

  3. Wonderful reflections on light, with stunning images to match. I really appreciate how you've presented the dawning of the light as a journey.
