Monday, July 27, 2015

About Light

Morning Light moves the Night away.

It wakes up the flowers.

It shows us the way, 

And points out things we need to see!


It puts sparkly stars upon the water.

But evening light
 is soft and gentle,

Filling me with peace.

Do you see the Light?


  1. Wonderful, Mary! Love those clothes' pegs in the rain and the light rays. All lovely shots representing light and those sparkly stars in the water are so joyful! That last one is simply magical. Yes, I see the light!

    1. I do love the different ways that light shines!

  2. Such a lovely post, Mary! You show us light as it changes throughout the day. What a capture of those sparkles on the water, and that last image is wonderful!
    p.s. I love the name of your blog.

    1. Thanks Gina! I have to give Liz Buckley credit for the Reliable Joy name. She used the words in a comment on one of my photos in one of Kim's classes and it just stuck with me.

  3. Wow! A wonderful collection of images. I like all the comments that attach to them, but I think my favourite is the path illuminating how light can show us the way to go. And my favourite image is probably the first one, whereby you've captured the essence of dawn - with a peg, of all things (!)

    1. I do love the forest light probably second to the golden glow of evening. Catching that gold is determined by atmospheric conditions so I was really glad to be in the right place at the right time!
      The clothes line get in quite a few photos, from sheets hanging to raindrops!
