August 16
On August first I started a "restory" using pages and words from a book about women in the old west decorating each page with "art". My intent was to have 31 pages with words to convey the attitude and fortitude of the women the book was about. Unfortunately, the book had very little written about the women. Most of the text was about the history of the location, the men in the their lives and other miscellaneous information about the late 1800s and early 1900s. So yesterday I abandoned this project but with a good feeling. Despite hardships and very primitive living conditions compared to the current west, most of these women survived to lead good lives. They did this in spite of the men in their lives or with the men that supported them. I think the pages I used conveyed this.
So art and words are finished for now. Maybe I will do this again with a different book. I know I need to work on the art. Photography is my passion so I might be able to find the words to write with my photos. This has been something I have been working on for a few years without much success. Maybe photos with words from a book or magazines. I know I can take a good photo! Much better than painting or drawing!
I started the artwork on each page with three blue stars. These stars have a meaning for me. They represent bravery, hope and love. I had to have the bravery so that I would continue to paint and draw when I know it is not great. Hope and love are always within me.
The photos below are my book that I made of this work. I will keep it and look back at some point to see what I have done. Who knows...maybe my art will improve!