Thursday, August 16, 2018

Wild Women August 16

August 16

On August first I started a "restory" using pages and words from a book about women in the old west decorating each page with "art".    My intent was to have 31 pages with words to convey the attitude and fortitude of the women the book was about.    Unfortunately, the book had very little written about the women.  Most of the text was about the history of the location, the men in the their lives and other miscellaneous information about the late 1800s and early 1900s.   So yesterday I abandoned this project but with a good feeling.  Despite hardships and very primitive living conditions compared to the current west, most of these women survived to lead good lives.     They did this in spite of the men in their lives or with the men that supported them.    I think the pages I used conveyed this.

So art and words are finished for now.  Maybe I will do this again with a different book.  I know I need to work on the art.   Photography is my passion so I might be able to find the words to write with my photos.  This has been something I have been working on for a few years without much success.  Maybe photos with words from a book or magazines.  I know I can take a good photo!  Much better than painting or drawing! 

I started the artwork on each page with three blue stars.    These stars have a meaning for me.  They represent bravery, hope and love.    I had to have the bravery so that I would continue to paint and draw when I know it is not great.    Hope and love are always within me. 

The photos below are my book that I made of this work.   I will keep it and look back at some point to see what I have done.   Who knows...maybe my art will improve!

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Wild Women August 15

August 15

Through her perseverance and her indomitable spirit

her strength of character enabled her to rise above adversity.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Monday, August 13, 2018

Wild Women August 13

August 13

Like other girls in some respects and 
in others she is different as day from night.

Replies in as few words as possible
always to the point.

Her voice is soft and low,
she has a musical laugh.

She appears to believe in doing things!

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Wild Women August 12

August 12

Learned a valuable lesson 
did not come easy.

Incredible lucky, hard working woman.

Explore the opportunities. 

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Wild Women August 11

August 11

Courageous and Determined

Imagine that the thread of motivation
helped pave the way for other women
to challenge the accepted.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Wild Women August 10

August 10

Happiest where there is nothing but sky, earth
To be alone.

Having perfect control.

Knowing more. 

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Wild Woman August 9

August 9

The woman who stayed
What driving force motivated her.
Some innate determination, 
Natural born sense of courage,
Incredible drive to succeed.

She was never afraid.  

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Wild Women August 8

August 8

Realities of living
Brave spirit, optimistic, pluck and persistence.

Believe more possible.


Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Wild Women August 7

August 7

Influential new role
Pleasant to everyone, extraordinary.
Gained notoriety, crusaded a vigorous campaign.
Outspoken advocate.  

Monday, August 6, 2018

Wild Women August 6

August 6

Tireless warrior,
Wild woman raised as a fighter,
one with a cause,
Advocate Peace.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Wild Women August 5

August 5

Women everywhere think deeply
A common bond about gender equality.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Wild Women August 4

August 4

Life as an adventure
Troublesome, discouraged, difficult, criticized.
Wielding a power.
Guiding Spirit was sufficient. 

Friday, August 3, 2018

Wild Women August 3

August 3

Good women
unafraid to live to the fullest
Fabulous reality!  

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Wild Women August 2

August 2

Diverse Experience!
Greater Risks!
Explore Excitement!  

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

What happened to this blog?!

Posting to a blog is work!  As a retired person, work is not what I want to do so a year has passed by with nothing written because I was lazy. That's my story.

August 2018 is here with a new energy to be creative.  I have started a project that is combining some art and some poetry.  The project involves taking a page from an old worn paperback book and drawing, painting, coloring or otherwise decorating the page but also circling some words along the page that will make a poem or just random thoughts.

The book I have chosen for this is Wild Women of the Old West edited by Glenda Riley and Richard W. Etulain from 2003.    It is a book I picked up  somewhere in Colorado (probably at a local museum in a small town) just for something to read.    I read the book and it has sat on the bookshelf for 15 years and just recently this book along with others was  in a stack that was going to be throw out or donated to the junk store.   Then this creative idea was brought to my attention so I said "what the heck, I can do that with one of these books."   I decided to use this book because I am going to keep the wild women theme in the poems.   Words about strong women who make their own way and do what they have to do to make a life.   This work will make me use some watercolors, markers and colored pencils and some other things that have been sitting in the box since last summer. 

   I have given myself a deadline, 30 days or all of August, to complete this project.    I am making a good start as I was fired up and got a few pages done already.   Very amateurish but done!   So I have about 25 more to do.  

Now the blog will become a daily posting.   I will post a page a day and the only words written will be the poem.    Maybe my artistic ability will improve and maybe the words will resonate with others.  It will be a learning experience which is always good. 

August 1

Wild Women
Freedom to try different roads
Monuments to feminine ideals.