Sunday, January 24, 2016

Moments becoming Memories

I spent four days exploring the Charleston area with a friend, 
photographing the moments we shared.

There was much laughter, driving here and there, walking, 
eating, just being together. 

This is a small portion of what we saw.

The scenery..

the shorebirds,

 Century old graveyards,

Spanish moss in wondrous light
 and a 1000 year old tree!


A warm winter's day at the beach
full of shells and trees in the surf.

Amazing birds of prey.

Winter camellias and
 the beginning of spring in January.

  Photos of moments

  Memories for always!

Friday, January 8, 2016

Walking into 2016

I love walking..just putting one foot in front of the other and moving forward. 

No particular place to go.

Walking most days here at home is a way to clear my mind and just be. 
 The road and path is familiar and holds no surprises.  I can just concentrate on nothing.

 Beginning a walk on an unfamiliar path, road or trail is one of my favorite things.

Walking in a new location is exciting!
What will my eyes see that is new to me?
What gifts will I receive from the Earth?

Along the creek in the snow, 

High up on the mountain trail above the lake, 

Along the river surrounded by high cliffs, 

along the boardwalk at the marsh, 

and along the beach.

Each time I go to a new place and begin to walk,
a whole new world opens up before me.

Walking without a destination, 
 enjoying the journey of Life.