"When this twentieth century of ours became obsessed with a passion
for mere size,
what was lost sight of was the ancient wisdom that the emotions
have their own
standards of judgment and their own sense of scale. In the
emotional world
a small thing can touch the heart and the imagination every bit
as much as something impressively gigantic;
a fine phrase is as good as an
epic, and a small brook in the quiet of a wood
can have its say with a voice
more profound than the thunder of any cataract.
Who would live happily in the
country must be wisely prepared to take great pleasure in little things".... Henry Beston
I take great pleasure in little things!
These are some little things that made me smile in delight this July!
A piece of fluff
A spider
Blue flowers
A fallen leaf
A single blackberry
A July filled with little things.
Seeing with curiosity, attention, possibilites, wonder, and acceptance.